Professional exchange
We Teachers wants to be a platform that connects you for personal exchanges, and also for professional ones !
Some (non exhaustive!) ideas :
• You’re leaving on vacation abroad and want to take advantage of your time there to discover exactly how the education system functions in that country ?
• Even in your own country, you could have the possibility to learn more about an innovative method or skill, or a type of teaching that you know little about.
Contact a member from the We Teachers network. If he ‘s available, he can invite you to visit his school (with permission from the administration) or he could simply have a casual conversation with you over coffee discussing the specifics of his job.
• You plan to teach abroad and do not know where to start ? We Teachers can help you to find an exchange partner. You will then need to get the authorization from the administrations from both parts but it’s a good start !
Easily connect with your colleagues ! Free to the teacher to answer positively or not, according to its availability of the moment.
You are looking for one or several teachers in the members list, depending on their localisation, on the school type or on their job ?
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